Saturday, June 09, 2007

Post Envy

I thought since Karen already posted an entry about my new camera I should hasten to post my own.

After going to the Leonardo exhibit I headed to Shinjuku to purchase my new camera, a Nikon D40x. A camera I decided to buy after a number of conversations with my brother-in-law, Phil and my sister, Jen. Buying the camera left me in severe need of a chair and a relaxing soy latte. Spending that much money on a single item (that it isn't bringing me somewhere new and exotic) is stressful, doing it in a foreign language just compounds the matter. I needn't have worried because all my anxieties vanished with the first click of the shutter.

Here is one of my favorite photos...more to be included as I update you on my week. Visit Karen's blog too if you're interested in seeing more of my brilliant picture taking abilities. I've already within a week of having my camera taken over 500 hundred pictures. This leads to serious concerns about storage and efficient viewing pleasure. A flickr account may be in order.


Karen said...

The link to my blog is dame, so I thought I'd help out. It's eh?

Jo said...

I do apologize for that my dear Karen. I will rectify that immidiately.


(like the eh, eh)

Rich said...

how much is 500 hundred?
just wondering so i can be accurately impressed by your prodigious (?) photo-taking

Anonymous said...

I do believe that is the cutest dog ever (in the cute corner). LOVE him! xo jen
p.s. Karen, I've been to your blog too. I can't comment because it doesn't accept anonymous ones, but hello! Arron and I are looking forward to seeing you in July!

Karen said...

Hi Jen,
Jo told me about that, so I switched it and now you can leave comments as anonymous. So yay! I'm so thrilled you guys are coming. Can't wait to see you here in Japan!