Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Jet Lag

It's 6:30 in the morning and I've already been up for an hour and half. I've eaten breakfast, finished my book and a full pot of coffee is now awaiting my enjoyement. I've done nothing but sleep, eat, read and watch t.v for the last 72 hours. I am no closer to wanting to join the real world then I was on Friday. I feel like I've aged 10 years in the past 2 weeks.

I'm back for my first full (well not really, Monday was a national holiday) week of school. Perhaps work will draw me out of my stupor?



Anonymous said...

Welcome back. You'll snap back into the routine - in no time... Hope you had a good time in Canada.

Paris Trout said...

Your quote made me tear up...but then I smiled to see Hobbs sitting there. How are you honey?

Anonymous said...

Hi Jo,I'm sending you a BIG HUG...Memere bought herself another Sam, he is 3 months old. Hope you are feeling better. Love you Mom

Anonymous said...

Hi Jo,I'm sending you a BIG HUG...Memere bought herself another Sam, he is 3 months old. Hope you are feeling better. Love you Mom